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Sentencing Postponed for DUI Driver

While working with defendant Jorge Perez, who originally pleaded guilty to his DUI hit and run collision charges, the Law Offices of Benjamin Arsenian helped Perez to withdraw his plea following an increased sentence. The...

Orange County judge vacates sentence in hit-and-run case

At the Law Offices of Benjamin Arsenian, our Santa Ana criminal defense attorney worked with a defendant suspected of drunk driving who then hit and injured a pedestrian. The Orange County Register reports on the unraveling...

Man found not guilty in San Bernardino shooting

Our Santa Ana criminal defense lawyer worked with a defendant, Ruben Jurado, facing attempted premeditated murder charges. Jurado was present at a homecoming party for the victim and shot him during an altercation with the...

NTSB recommends 0.05 DUI

Perhaps you’ve heard the recent slogan, buzzed driving is drunk driving. On that note, the National Transportation Safety Board is recommending a new, lower threshold for DUIs – 0.05 Blood Alcohol Content. In...

Personal Injury Settlements

Most all personal injury attorneys will tell you that in 2011 the California Supreme Court severely curtailed personal injury awards to plaintiffs in their decision of Howell v. Hamilton Meats & Provisions, Inc. This...